Post-era: Expo 67 Attractions! -- where are they now?

Photo credit: © National Archives of Canada

Pavilions Ontario Pavilion on fire Phare du Cosmos (part 2)
Administration Building, with Yves Jasmin, Director of Information, Publicity and Public Relations for Expo 67 (part 1, close-up)  Place des Nations "Polypede" by Charles Daudelin
Administration Building, with Yves Jasmin, Director of Information, Publicity and Public Relations for Expo 67 (part 2, long-view) Québec Pavilion (part 1) "Robot", "Man" & "The Venetian" by Germaine Bergeron
Alcan Pavilion (and La Ronde) Québec Pavilion (part 2) "Sky Watcher" by Richard Turner
British Pavilion (part 1) Québec Pavilion (part 3) "Steel Screen" by Armand Vaillancourt (part 1)
British Pavilion (part 2) Tunisia Pavilion "Steel Screen" by Armand Vaillancourt (part 2)
Canada Pavilion (part 1) United Nations Pavilion remnants (with an update on the Jamaican Pavilion) courtesy of D.C. Hillier "Steel Screen" by Armand Vaillancourt (part 3)
Canada Pavilion (part 2) United States Pavilion, with Yves Jasmin, Director of Information, Publicity and Public Relations for Expo 67 (part 1) "Steel Screen" by Armand Vaillancourt (part 4)
Canada Pavilion (part 3) United States Pavilion (part 2, close-up) "Steel Screen" by Armand Vaillancourt (part 5)
Canada Pavilion (part 4) United States Pavilion (part 3, close-up) "Steel Screen" by Armand Vaillancourt (part 6)
Canada Pavilion (part 5) United States Pavilion (part 4) "Tall Couple" by Louis Archambault
Canada Pavilion (part 6) United States Pavilion (part 5) Terre des hommes (part 1)
Canada Pavilion (part 7) United States Pavilion (part 6 - exterior view) Terre des hommes (part 2)
Christianity pavilion (part 1) United States Pavilion on fire (part 1) Terre des hommes (part 3)
Christianity pavilion (part 2) United States Pavilion on fire (part 2) Terre des hommes (part 4)
Cuban Pavilion U.S.S.R. Pavilion (part 1) Terre des hommes (part 5)
Czechoslovakian pavilion U.S.S.R. Pavilion (part 2) Terre des hommes (part 6)
France Pavilion (part 1) Yugoslavian Pavilion (part 1) Terre des hommes (part 7)
France Pavilion (part 2) Yugoslavian Pavilion (part 2) Terre des hommes (part 8)
France Pavilion (part 3) Yugoslavian Pavilion (part 3) "Transcendence" by Walter Führer
France Pavilion (part 4) Eskimo Murals "Ultima Thule" by Tapio Wirkkala (part 1)
France Pavilion (part 5) Eskimo Murals, with Yves Jasmin, Director of Information, Publicity and Public Relations for Expo 67 - Canada Pavilion (part 1) "Ultima Thule" by Tapio Wirkkala (part 2)
France Pavilion (part 6) Eskimo Murals - Canada Pavilion (part 2) United Nations Carving (part 1)
France Pavilion (part 7) Eskimo Murals - Canada Pavilion (part 3) United Nations Carving (part 2)
France Pavilion (part 8) Eskimo Murals - Canada Pavilion (part 4) "Vaisseau Lunaire" by Louis Chavignier
France and Québec Pavilions Eskimo Murals - Canada Pavilion (part 5) Miscellaneous
Habitat 67 (part 1) Eskimo Murals - Canada Pavilion (part 6) Australia's Talking Chairs + Hostess Uniform
Habitat 67 (part 2) Eskimo Murals - Canada Pavilion (part 7) Canal on the north side of Île Notre-Dame
Habitat 67 (part 3) Eskimo Murals - Canada Pavilion (part 8) Ceylon Pavilion art abstract: "Lanka Matha" by George Yeyt (part 1)
Habitat 67 (part 4) Sculptures Ceylon Pavilion art abstract: "Lanka Matha" by George Keyt (part2)
International Broadcasting Centre Acier sculpture Expo 67 "Man and His World" Way-Finding Signage
courtesy of D.C. Hillier
Jamaican Pavilion, with Yves Jasmin, Director of Information, Publicity and Public Relations for Expo 67 (part 1)   A large "sphere" from the Man the Provider Pavilion
courtesy of D.C. Hillier
Expo 67 Street Lamp (part 1)
Jamaican Pavilion (part 2) "Explorer" by Victor Tolgesy  (part 1) Expo 67 Street Lamp (part 2)
Jamaican Pavilion (part 3) "Explorer" by Victor Tolgesy  (part 2) Le Galopant carousel, La Ronde (part 1)
Jamaican Pavilion (part 4) "Explorer" by Victor Tolgesy  (part 3) Le Galopant carousel, La Ronde (part 2)
Jamaican Pavilion (part 5) "Explorer" by Victor Tolgesy  (part 4) Le Galopant carousel, La Ronde (part 3)
Jamaican Pavilion (part 6) "Explorer" by Victor Tolgesy  (part 5) Le Galopant carousel, La Ronde (part 4)
Jamaican Pavilion (part 7) Mario Armengol sculptures (part 1) Le Galopant carousel, La Ronde (part 5)
Jamaican Pavilion (part 8) Mario Armengol sculptures (part 2) Le Galopant carousel, La Ronde (part 6)
Katimavik Calder's "Man" (part 1) Le Galopant carousel, La Ronde (part 7)
Korean Pavilion (part 1) Calder's "Man" (part 2) Hélène de Champlain Restaurant
Korean Pavilion (part 2) Copernicus statue Hovercraft slipway on Île Ste-Hélène
Korean Pavilion (part 3) "Female Wall" by Ted Bieler Île Ste-Hélène métro station
Korean Pavilion (part 4) "Flight Vol" sculpture by Sorel Etrog Pulp and Paper Pavilion original model to scale (part 1)
Man the Creator (part 1) Hepworth's "Sea Form" sculpture (part 1) Pulp and Paper Pavilion original model to scale (part 2)
Man the Creator (part 2) Hepworth's "Sea Form" sculpture (part 2) The Spiral (part 1)
Man the Producer (remnants, part 1) Kwakiutl Totem Pole The Spiral (part 2)
Man the Producer (remnants, part 2) "Marine Venus" by Robert Hedrick View of Île Notre-Dame, circa 1999
Man the Producer (remnants, part 3) "Moses" by  Sorel Etrog View of Île Ste-Hélène, circa 1999
Mexico Pavilion (remnants) Obélisque oblique sculpture Yves Jasmin, Director of Information, Publicity and Public Relations for Expo 67 tours the exposition grounds
Olympic House Phare du Cosmos (part 1)  
Special Feature: People sculpture by Louis Archambalt
People sculpture (part 1) People sculpture (part 11) People sculpture (part 21)
People sculpture (part 2) People sculpture (part 12) People sculpture (part 22)
People sculpture (part 3) People sculpture (part 13) People sculpture (part 23)
People sculpture (part 4) People sculpture (part 14) People sculpture (part 24)
People sculpture (part 5) People sculpture (part 15) People sculpture (part 25)
People sculpture (part 6) People sculpture (part 16) People sculpture (part 26)
People sculpture (part 7) People sculpture (part 17) People sculpture (part 27)
People sculpture (part 8) People sculpture (part 18) People sculpture (part 28)
People sculpture (part 9) People sculpture (part 19) People sculpture (part 29)
People sculpture (part 10) People sculpture (part 20) People sculpture (part 30)