Fashions on parade in Expo pavilions

By Margare Ness, Canadian Press

MONTRÉAL (CP) - Fashions of Canada and many other countries are on display at Expo 67, forming an irresistible lure to most women.

Every Thursday, the Great Canadian Fashion Caper introduces national fashions at the outdoor amphitheatre in front of the Canadian pavilion. It's a big splashy revue-type production of some 150 garments and 40 models. Summer clothes will be featured until the end of July. Then fall and winter clothes will be on display until Expo closes in October.

From the beginning of June, Ontario is highlighting its own fashion industry in the Ontario pavilion. Depending on weather and traffic, the daily shows will be produced either in the outdoor restaurant or in some other area. The information office in the building will give you the time and place. The 50 garments will be changed on a monthly seasonal basis.

Some of the countries represented at Expo are producing daily fashion shows too.

This is the first time Czechoslovak haute couture has been shown on this continent. Some 100 garments are shown on six Czech models, on the second floor of the Czechoslovak pavilion.

Russia is producing a fashion show twice daily, in the 600-seat theatre on the main floor of its pavilion. Some 100 costumes and seven Russian models are on hand. The fashions are a combination of traditional Russian and Paris-inspired styling. There are even some mini-skirts.

In addition there is a group of Russian sable costumes, designed and made by a New York firm. Skins run from $100 to $500 and it takes some 65 skins for a coat.

Another fabulous fur collection was the first fashion show on view after the official opening of Expo in April. It featured furs from the four Scandinavian countries.

France is representing its fashion show on a revolving stage surrounded by water. It is just inside the main entrance of the pavilion but can also be seen from the balconies of the other floors.

You will also be interested in seeing the mod costumes on show in the British pavilion. Israel has reserved space on its first floor for a display of jewelry and fashions. Yugoslavia is highlighting its leather handbags and suede coats.

Magnificent displays of gems are to be found in most of the pavilions of the Far East, countries of India, of course, also includes its wonderful brocades and Thailand its silks. Even tiny Monaco is in the fashion mood, with perfumes, jewelry and haute couture.

- End of article. Copyright by the Canadian Press, June 2, 1967. All rights reserved.