A caricature drawing
depicting the ribbon-cutting event at Expo 67 with Lester B.
Pearson and Jean Drapeau in attendance. © by the ADF
Industries Lourdes Inc., Lachine Québec and Library and
Archives Canada, Acc. No. 1988-6-6
| |
Hi, John:
I was just poking around on the internet looking for Expo 67-related
items and I came across your wonderful and comprehensive site!
At 48 years old, I am a big world's fair buff, having visited the
1964-65 New York World's Fair, Expo 67, and Hemis Fair 68 with my
folks. I have especially fond memories (especially clear, too,
considering the fact that I was only 9 years old at the time) of Expo
67. I have revisited the grounds in 1984, 2001, and again this past
week. With each visit I cannot help noticing how nature is really
taking the place back.
I regret that I never did get to visit the site when it was Man and His
World. When I was there in 1984, though, I remember seeing quite a
few pavilions still standing but fenced off, prior to demolition. The
grounds were in very nice shape. I remember seeing many flowers, a
band was playing (in front of the tower left from the Britain pavilion),
and people were dancing. When I was there in 2001, we had a nice lunch at
the former Jamaica pavilion. As your photos (and mine) attest, the
subsequent years have not been kind to that little building.
On this most recent visit, I spent several hours just walking around
with an old Expo guidebook in hand. I have no interest in the casino
itself, but I gladly checked my hat and camera at the desk so I could go
inside the old France pavilion. I also went to a few spots that I'd
never before been to. Walking to Place des Nations is downright
creepy because it is such a lonely and isolated place. I also walked
across the bridge to check out Habitat, taking lots of photos and enjoying
it very much. How I would love to get an invitation to visit
someone's unit! Still standing nearby Habitat is what I presume to be
the Expo art museum, which appeared to be vacant.
What probably amazes me the most is what is the same and what is
different. How some very major changes have been made, while
relatively minor things remain. As a pedestrian, I couldn't really
find a good way to see it well, but I guess for the Olympics, so much of
Île Notre-Dame was dug up and reshaped for aquatic sports. Very
large-scale excavation. Yet, so many of the signature outdoor
lighting fixtures remain on the island, beat up and discolored. And
the tower at the former Korea pavilion, surprisingly, is still standing.
Tunisia is a park office but still vaguely recognizable. I wonder if
there are any plans afoot for developing the Expo site further. It
really is a unique and impressive location. It's a shame to see it
underutilized. I don't imagine I'll be back to visit it again unless
it morphs into something else completely.
I can't really explain my fascination with world's fairs, but I just
spent a pleasant couple of hours looking at your web site. Thanks a
All the best,
Brian Pendley Holmes, NY June 3, 2006
Dear John,
A wonderful expansion of an already captivating
site. The additional photos of some of the national pavilions is
marvellous. Takes one right back to the magical moments. To use today's
vernacular, "awesome".
All the best.
Robert H.C. Barrett,
B.A. (Hons.), LL.B. Barrister & Solicitor The White
House Waterdown ON September 24, 2006
Hello John;
My name is Gary Gadouas, and I'm 58 years old. I
live in a small town in Vermont, just 5 miles from the Canadian border,
and about 65 miles from Montreal.
In the summer of '67, I was just
18 years old, but with an insatiable thirst for knowledge about 'other
places'. It was a dream come true when Expo '67 came to Montreal. I
obtained a Season Passport, and was there on the 2nd day it was opened. I
managed to go 9 more times before the close. I was in such awe of
everything I was seeing and experiencing. I can still see, hear and smell
EXPO! It was a wonderful time to be a young man, especially with all those
beautiful hostesses from around the world. I have so many fond memories of
those times.
Your site is fantastic!! Thank you for taking the time
to put it together. Great job!!
I'm hoping someone will perfect
'time travel' before my time runs out. I know the first place I want to go
back to. It was an age of innocence; a better time than we live in
Thanks again............
Gary Gadouas Swanton,
Vermont, USA October 19, 2006
Hello from Brisbane, Australia. Quite by
surprise, I just stumbled onto your [Expo '67] website and enjoyed my
visit enormously. Looking over the site a rush of wonderful memories
filled my mind. I was a 12-year old kid from Saint John [NB]
who made the provincial little league baseball team which played at Expo.
Nearly forty years ago the visit left an indelible
experience which would ultimately help shape the future of my life.
Thank you for your important contribution.
McCarthy November 21, 2006
Dear John,
Thanks for putting together this wonderful website.
My father, Keith, was the Commissioner of the Sermons From Science
pavilion at Expo 67, and was privileged to run that pavilion under a
successor name during Man and His World (well into the 1970s). I have too
many memories to mention here, but since I visited the site during both
night and day a couple of hundred times, some memories stand
As an 10 year old, I remember sneaking into the projection
room at the pavilion and starting one of the movies in the auditorium
because I thought the regular projectionist was being too slow. Although I
was scolded for this, it went off without a hitch.
I remember
standing on the concrete floor of the old pavilion just after it had been
demolished to make way for the rowing course for the 1976 Montreal
Olympics. My dad and I shed some tears that day as we visited.
remember seeing the fire that destroyed the former US pavilion in the
mid-1970s, and visiting that site soon after. My heart sunk then as well.
I went back with my son about 5 years ago, and saw how the biosphere has
been transformed, even though its outer coating was destroyed so many
years ago.
Thanks for the memories.
Mark Price
Victoria, BC February 1, 2007
I just purchased the great CBC documentary on
Expo 67... I have great memories of the event as I was 8 years old when I
visited Expo, as a member of the Netherlands Folklore Group. Our group
based in Toronto was invited to dance for the Queen of the Netherlands who
visited expo, and officially opened the Netherlands Pavilion.
thought you would enjoy a picture of our children's group taken at Expo
the day of the performance.
 To view the
large un-doctored photograph that Wendy also sent to us, please
click on the above image.
I have attached 2 the same pictures, only as you can see, I
have pointed out myself, Wendy, and my sister Melinda..
enjoy... I
sure have ! enjoyable and great memories of Canada's finest moment
Wendy Limbertie Toronto, Ontario March 13,
What an
incredible Expo 67 website you created.
I was an eight-year-old kid
living in Montreal during that special Expo year, and my cousin, Steve
Schmidt, and I each had a season’s pass.
We learned so much about
this planet and what a world-class celebration is all about. We even
hopped aboard city buses with our fishing rods in tow so we could cast in
the canals between the pavilions.
Over the years I’ve made the trek
back to visit relatives in Montreal and to see what was left of this
marvel. I have some great pictures of what seemed like Expo 67 abandonment
in the early 1980s.
Last year I visited my son in Montreal and took
the subway to see the casino (the old France pavilion at Expo) and was
amazed by how much the overall site had changed. It’s starting to look
like a forest. To see the biosphere again was like meeting an old friend
(a bit battered, but still a giant in its own right).
When I
return, I plan to treat my wife to a special dinner at the regal Helene de
Champlain restaurant (which I never really noticed when I was a kid
rushing between the pavilions and the cool Gyrotron ride at La Ronde where
I once rode Ricky the Elephant and first saw a fast and noisy blue and
white invention called the hovercraft).
I remember standing at the
top of the brassy Y-shaped Canada pavilion and being able to see for
miles. I remember the mini-rail taking us around the Ontario pavilion and
the Expo Express dropping us off at a huge yellow-striped station. I
recall being inside the German pavilion with my German grandparents who
arrived in Montreal by boat in the 1950s. They were so proud to share this
tented symbol of their former homeland with us (but I was too young to
drink beer).
I was there when the last spectacular Expo 67
fireworks marked the exhibition’s final teary-eyed goodbye.
enjoy collecting Expo 67 items from e-bay (not mugs and plates, but coins,
pavilion brochures, Expo maps and guidebooks) and clicking on websites
like yours to relive the sights and sounds of Expo 67. I recently
discovered the existence of the Expo 67 Labyrinthe pavilion (the precursor
to Imax film technology…with Eldon Rathburn’s creative musical touch) and
rented the soundtrack record from Simon Fraser University. It was
interesting. It’s also good to know the impressive Russian pavilion was
moved to its homeland, reconstructed and continues to serve as a valuable
I can’t believe 40 years has passed since I first stepped
onto the grounds of Expo 67. What an experience. What a show.
memories are priceless.
Rick Rake Editor, Abbotsford
News British Columbia April 14, 2007
Hello John,
This is an excellent site. As soon as I
saw the pictures of the pavilions, I was transported back to when I was an
11 year old with an expo 67 passport in hand (I still have the passport
buried somewhere in our basement). I explored every inch of the islands.
It was a magical time.
My mother had just died that year and I
think Expo helped in my grief. I am glad to have found your
Regards, Kevin Seguin (now residing in)
Philadelphia, PA April 15, 2007
Dear John,
I have done a little research on one
special picture that I kept from my Dad's collection.
He had the
pleasure of trying out a very special automobile that was apparently made
for the Expo 67 event.
I have put in some pictures and
explanations that may help you learn a bit more about the 67X
I can only hope it can be helpful for your site, for your site
seems to be the only one that is very much complete about Expo 67 in all.
I have visited a few sites, and to be sincere, I chose yours in
hoping that people could learn a bit more.
Hoping this helps out
for your site, and thank you for taking the time to read me.
The reason why I am sharing this with you is that this year marks the 10th
year that my father had passed away, and I wanted to share an important
moment that he had lived, as in trying out that very special 67X car.
Thank you and have a good day.
Joan Miller Québec City (Québec) May 1, 2007
André Miller tries out the Expo 67X Tornado
Who recalls that 'Esso'
Toronado? by Nigel Matthews, The
Province Published:
Friday, June 06, 2008
To celebrate Canada's centenary at Expo 67, Imperial
Oil Canada (Esso) commissioned four custom-built 1967 Oldsmobile
Toronados from George Barris of Hollywood.
Imperial Oil
wanted a car that looked futuristic but retained an identity of the
These cars were called the Toronado 67X, or sometimes
Esso 67X and were given away as prizes in a coast-to-coast
competition that focused on safety. Entrants had to collect five
winning safety tips in order to enter their name into the lottery
for the grand prizes.
The first winner was a Mr. Hockett of
Edmonton, who picked up his five winning tips on a journey from
Vancouver to Edmonton during a family vacation. The second car was
won by Vernon Scales of Okanagan Landing. The B.C. winners' Toronado
then crossed the Pacific Highway border crossing in June 1967. Duty
and taxes amounting to $5,538 were paid on a declared value of
$17,526. In less than a year the B.C. car was acquired by the
Bellingham Lumber Company. To build these custom cars, Barris had
began with new Oldsmobile Toronados purchased at a cost of
The Toronado was the first front- wheel-drive
American car built since the 1937 Cord. Since the body was going to
be lengthened by 38 centimetres, a front-wheel-drive car would
reduce the mechanical fabrication. The added length provided a
spacious interior that included swivel front seats that could face
the rear wrap-around lounge seat. The extended front and rear
bumpers gave the car a pointed look. The oversize raised wheel wells
added a certain futuristic allure.
Longtime North Shore
residents might remember one of the cars of the four was on display
in Frank Baker's "Attic Restaurant" at the foot of Taylor Way and
Marine Drive in West Vancouver from the 1970s up until
Nigel Matthews is the manager of specialty vehicles
(vintage and collector cars) for the Insurance Corporation of
ICBC's Collector car program assists enthusiasts in the
licensing and insurance of antique and collector vehicles. Learn
about the program by typing "collector car" in the search box at
www.icbc.com, or call 604-661-2201
© The Vancouver
Province 2008 |
Dear Mr. Whelan,
THANK YOU so much for assembling all
of these very valuable resources under one web site! I haven't yet gone
through the whole thing but I am very appreciative of all the work that
you and your colleagues put in.
I am a very proud Canadian living
in the United States; I was 7 years old the summer of Expo 67 and although
I don't remember everything, the pictures and stories presented on your
website have brought back many happy memories for me.
I have only
one suggestion - please please please publish this work in a book that
people can buy! I am SURE that it would be a
Lise Kojima Champlin, MN,
55316 May 6, 2007
Dear John,
I may have the most unique memories of
Expo 67.
I was visiting the fair with two college girlfriends and
we planned to see everything in 5 days. Of course, we were always on the
hunt for souvenirs to bring back to Michigan. While walking to the British
Pavilion, my friends and I stopped two young men and asked them to take
our picture, so that all three of us were together. They, in turn, asked
if they could join us in line and they spent the reminder of the day with
us. The five of us met at the fair two more days and I invited the young
men to visit us in Michigan. They were from Florida. We corresponded, they
came to Michigan in December of '67 and one of them, Gene, asked me to
marry him. Of course, I said yes. This December Gene and I (along with our
two daughter, one son-in-law and two grandchildren) will celebrate our
39th wedding anniversary.
Needless to say, Expo 67 was the best
world's fair ever and my "souvenir" has had a profound impact on my
A toast to Montreal and Expo 67.
Harling Bloomfield Hills, Michigan May 10, 2007
Hi, John:
I was a college student in l967 visiting my French pen-pal
who had moved to Montreal with her husband and infant son. My parents and
I had come up from New Jersey so that I could be the godmother at her
son's christening.
We had only one day to visit Expo 67 - so
certainly we saw only a very small fraction of what it had to offer. I
remember being amazed by La Ronde and also Habitat. Most of what I
remember was riding on the monorail around the grounds to get as much of a
view as we could in our short time.
Being from New Jersey, I had
also gone to the World's Fair in Flushing Meadows in l964 and l965 - one
of my most wonderful memories from that Fair was celebrating my 16th
birthday during the day at the Fair and then crossing over the bridge to
Shea Stadium for a twilight double header!!! What a day - something my son
envies, and my daughter could never understand - why I would want to go to
a baseball game (or two) for my sweet sixteen!!
I was on a site
looking at that fair, when I found a link for your most awesome site on
Expo - I can now see everything I missed and more!! And to see that info
on Habitat, well, that was an added bonus.
Thank you for all your
hard work and precious time in putting together this most wonderful
Gail Beebe Formerly of New Jersey now in Findlay
OH June 10, 2007
Dear John;
Thank you so much for your wonderful expo67 site. I was just nine years
old when I got to go to Expo with my parents, uncle and brother and
Although I was only there for one day (my parents and uncle went back
the second day without us kids RATS) I have many wonderful memories.
The first memory is of my younger sister being afraid to get on the
hovercraft. She soon got over her fear and enjoyed the ride although I do
not think she remembers much of Expo. She was only three years old.
I also remember my mom and my uncle loving that Mexican Pavilion the
food and the music. My uncle fell in love with Herb Albert and the Tijuana
brass because of the Mexican Pavilion.
I can remember going through the Iran Pavilion and my mom was so
impressed with the carpets.
I remembered a plane hanging down from the ceiling in the Russian
Pavilion and going through your website I found a picture of it (once
again thanks for the memory.)
We rode the monorail through the American Pavilion and I remember
seeing all the space displays (I am now a big fan of Apollo missions and
read anything I can on those missions).
At La Ronde I remember the Ferris wheel. I remember the seats were
round and it had an umbrella over them but the thing I remember most is
the disc that was in the middle that you could spin. My uncle never let go
of the disc he kept us spinning round and round.
We took very few pictures at Expo and I have no idea where they are now
.For years all I had was memories but now thanks to your website I also
have pictures.
Keep up the good work. Your website is on my favorites and I will keep
coming back to it often.
Ruth Usvaltas Aylmer,
Ontario August 13, 2007
Dear Mr. Whelan:
This is an incredible website about an
incredible event. I was 15 years old in 1967 and so desperately wanted to
visit Expo 67. My parents simply could not afford a trip from the San
Francisco area to Montreal so I had to satisfy myself with media accounts.
I was lucky enough to stumble upon a copy of the Official Guide at a local
independent bookstore in April of 1967 and that really got my curiosity
My best friend's father was an interior designer and gave
me stacks of trade publications that had detailed coverage about Expo. I
ran across one the other day while cleaning out my den as I wrap up a
major remodel of my house. It was a lengthy article in the June 1967 issue
of Interiors magazine by Editor Olga Gueft. It contains 43 pages of black
and white photos, many if them interior shots, of the major pavilions and
some lesser buildings. Several restaurants and Habitat apartment units are
included. What I noticed in re-reading the article after many years is
Gueft really captured the importance of Expo and the urgency of anybody in
the fields of architecture, city planning, interior design, industrial
design, landscape architecture, etc. to see it at any cost.
amazes me while looking over the article and photos published on your
website is how anachronistic all the mid-60s era clothing and automobiles
look against the backdrop of the Expo site and buildings. It almost looks
as if people from a past era have somehow ended up in a futuristic
I have worked for a major US airline for the past 30
years so had the opportunity to see Expo 92, Expo 98 and Expo 2000. While
these were certainly interesting events with some good architecture and
design, none can even come close to the accomplishments of Expo 67. I
suppose the end of the "cold war" and the resulting end of the US/Soviet
rivalry was partially responsible for this. Had it not been for this
rivalry, I doubt we would have seen those great pavilions of both
"superpowers" at Brussels, Montreal and Osaka. As I'm sure you are aware,
the US didn't even participate in Expo 2000 and Russia had a small exhibit
hidden away in one of the many vast halls that housed several smaller
Thanks for your hard work in keeping the memory of this
seminal event alive.
Randy Lopes Long Beach,
California October 2, 2007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Greetings to you, Mr. Whelan,
Last night I was watching with my
wife one of the later episodes of the first Battlestar Galactica series
(1978) and there was a place where some characters had to go back to
an old abandoned city. When the first building images came on the screen,
I thought, "Wait a minute.....that looks like the British Pavilion!" And
in another scene, "Wait a minute....that looks like the American
Pavilion!" The geodesic dome construction was unmistakable. I also noticed
the remains of the very long escalator I myself used to get to the next
level of the pavilion. At the time our family was living in western
Colorado and my parents took us to Montreal to see Expo '67. It was a
momentous trip that I shall not forget it and it will remain a lifelong
memory. Unfortunately my Kodak Instamatic pictures of it disappeared in a
house fire in 2005, so I cannot reminisce with them, but I do have my
memory of it with your website help! Thank you for having a place for us
attendees to visit and think back.
Yours, John Pitman Rockville,
MD November 14, 2009
Expo 67 editorial: Photographs from the Battlestar
Galactica television series can be viewed at Bill
Cotter's website.
Hi John,
I was 16 in 1967 and my aunt lived in Pointe Claire, I
went to Montreal for a week with my cousin. We stayed with
my aunt. My mother bought me my ticket to fly up, it cost
her $47.00 return.
We went to Expo 3 days in a row, the last day we spent
the entire day at La Ronde. My father's birthday was that
week, and I called him from a pay phone in the Australia
There was so much to see and do, it was such a thrill
just to be able to say "I was THERE".
Everyone was so friendly and made us feel at home. The
buildings and exhibits were amazing feats of architecture,
truly ahead of the times.
This website is a great way to bring back memories of
that wonderous year - 1967!
Thanks for letting me share my story,
Susan Preston
Saint John, N.B. October 12, 2010
I just saw your site for the very first time today, as I
was looking for photographs of the U.S.S.R. Pavilion. The
reason being my memory had been
jogged by a meeting with a new friend at the park yesterday.
She asked me if I had any
fond childhood memories, and I told her, and
now you, that, as a child I won the first prize in
the children's art contest of the Soviet Pavilion at Expo
67. I was 11 years old and went to
Expo just about every day with my brother Chris, as my
mother had bought us season passports. We were avid badge
and pin collectors and, as anyone
who collects these, will surely know that the badges from
Soviet Russia were the finest to be had from any pavilion.
What a plethora of them too! They
had beautiful enamel badges commemorating ust about
everything that had happened in the U.S.S.R. in it's first
50 years. So we went there every visit to Expo. Back to my
story; we had seen a notice of the art contest for children,
and so I did a drawing of the Soviet Pavilion from an angle
showing the front and side of the building. We went to the
auditorium in the pavilion later on in the evening to hear
the results. I kind of had an inkling that I would win
because my drawing was up on a board on the stage with the
others, and not to sound too egotistical, I think mine was
the best. So a man came up to the microphone,and said
something in Russian that sounded
like; " Boyski, Brattski, Borshnetski , Jeremy Coyle!" I
couldn't understand Russian but I knew my name and went up
on the stage. Oh boy did they ever
give me a lot of presents, dolls with traditional Russian
costumes, slides of Russia and tons of the badges
that we so highly prized . The presents filled two
shopping bags full. They gave me so many presents that at
the end, when one of the pavilion
ladies came out with the biggest box of chocolates I had
ever seen, she presented it to me and I went to grab
the whole box! She pulled it away
from me and said, "Nyet !'' smiling and holding up her
finger to indicate take just one. The crowd in the
auditorium howled with laughter at
this awkward moment. ( it should have been the start of my
comedy career) I must add finally that the men and ladies
that worked at the Soviet pavilion were the most friendly
and warm human beings, that I
found of all the pavilions. Wherever they
are, I thank them for making my Expo 67 summer so
Jeremy Coyle, Victoria, B.C.
August 29, 2011
Image from
WorldsFairPhotos.com, the Bill Cotter collection with our sincere
