Photo credit: © Bill Dutfield, used with permission with our sincere thanks.

Man and His Health Pavilion

The hexagonal flat-roof structure, "Health Pavilion," is adjacent to "Man in His Community Pavilion"

Health is the element above all others that makes it possible for Man to work and play with zest and generally to enjoy his world.

The Pavilion of Man and his Health is in the Cité du Havre sector of Expo 67, a short walk from Place d'Accueil, the main entrance to the exhibition, and conveniently close to the Habitat station of the Expo-Express.

Striking form, the mounting tiers of Canadian timber encloses five halls surrounding a hexagonal theatre core -- Meditheatre.

This unique theatre-in-the-round, with live action on six stages serially combined with closely related and integrated cinema on three huge overhead screens, demonstrates six exciting aspects of medical skills applied to the extension or resumption of useful life.

On one stage, Rh factor incompatibility, a hazard to the unborn and the newborn baby, is counteracted with blood transfusions before or after birth.

On another, a young man gravely hampered by kidney disease, who would otherwise have died or suffered severe disablement, visits the hospital to have his blood and kidney's "washed". As a result he lives a normal life, working at his job and enjoying his family.

On others, the use of radioactive gas for check-up on lung functions and circulatory system is shown; visitors see for themselves the revolutionary new techniques of open heart surgery to correct a "blue-baby's" heart; amputees demonstrate the varied and sophisticated functions of modern artificial limbs and hands can perform; while the patient remains fully awake, the painless insertion of a needle-like instrument by the brain surgeon brings immediate relief to sufferers from Parkinson's disease.

As the visitor walks through the exhibition halls before or after he has seen the theatre demonstration, the health problems of Man in different parts of the World unfold, together with the importance of environmental factors such as air, water and food.

Some factors continue to pose major problems, such as accidents, emotional tension and cancer. Visitors who volunteer can have a polygraph test of their reactions to emotional stress, revealing its effect on the heart rate, breathing, etc.

The Health Team, a great army of specialists in many fields leading Man towards a better and longer life, is introduced. Special mention is made of some of those who have shown outstanding leadership in the advances of the medical and health sciences.

Outstanding problems that face the team, and the work that is proceeding on an international basis to resolve them, are described.

The education and training in the various special fields of the health sciences, and the importance of general health education, are stressed. The visitor can try out his own knowledge of health matters with electronic teaching machines. Unusual teaching models of some organs of the body, and illuminated transparent models of man and of a woman, reveal to the visitor structures which are not ordinarily visible.

Student nurses are being trained to operate an extremely modern nurses' station, equipped with electronic devices to facilitate intensive observation of critically sick patients.

One exhibit hall is devoted to explanation of selected examples of research in the various disciplines of research involved in Man's health. The design of better and more precise instruments is compared with older ones.

Artificial organs or spare parts to replace those which nature provided, but which time or disease have attacked, are shown. The extensive research required to find, develop and purify an antibiotic is demonstrated.

Looking into the near future of this atomic and space age, health requirements and medicine take on new dimensions. Travel in space, work at great depths and atomic developments have major bearing on health problems of Man's adaptation to his changing environment, or modification of the environment to meet his bodily limitations and needs. Communication of information, automation of analyses of body fluids and use of subzero temperatures to preserve "spare parts" are included.

The emphasis throughout Man and his Health is on individual Man's own responsibility in personal health, family health, community and world health.

The entire exhibit, with its theatre, is so arranged that visitors may move about the pavilion as they please, obtaining an impression of the storyline or examining the illustrative details.

