Photo credit: © National Archives of Canada

Expo Theatre

Film festivals, light popular entertainment, several theatrical troupes and various special shows are being staged in Expo Théâtre. This 2000-seat theatre stands just outside the exhibition's main entrance gate on Cité du Havre close to the Place d'Accueil and the Expo-Express station. Seating in the 1,320-seat orchestra section is in the continental style. The balcony, which has one center aisle backed by a projection booth equipped to screen 16, 35 and 70 mm films, seats 680.

There is ample lobby space in the theater, and there are four bars -- two on the balcony level and two on the ground floor -- and a fully-equipped room for press representatives.

Click here to see a model to scale of the Expo Theatre.

Click here to see the construction of the Expo Theatre.

